The following are a list of courses I may or may not have taken at some point during my time at Brown. Take a look around. If you've got any questions, feel free to contact me.
Here's the list of my Computer Science courses:
- cs017
- cs018
- cs022
- cs031
- cs032
- cs051
- cs123
- cs141
- cs149
- cs166
- cs167
- cs168
- cs169
- cs173
- cs194-4 (Independent Study with Professor Doeppner)
- cs258
- cs296-1
- cs297-4 (Independent Study with Professor Doeppner)
- cs298-4 (Independent Study with Professor Doeppner)
- en164
Here are the courses I have been a TA for:
Here's a list of all the courses I have taken, broken down by semester:
Fall, 2003:
- CS 017 : Integrated Intro to Computer Science Part I
- MA 035 : Honors Multivariable Calculus
- PH 007 : Analytical Mechanics
- PS 011 : Political Thought
Spring, 2004:
- CS 018 : Integrated Intro to Computer Science Part II
- HI 131 : 20th Century British History
- MA 054 : Honors Linear Algebra
- PH 008 : Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity
Fall, 2004:
- AN 025 : Growing Up Multicultural and Ethnic
- CS 031 : Computing Systems
- CS 123 : Computer Graphics
- EC 111 : Microeconomics
- HI 166 : Mexican Revolution
Spring, 2005:
- AC 161 : The Sixties Without Apology
- CS 022 : Discrete Mathematics
- CS 032 : Software Engineering
- CS 141 : Artificial Intelligence
- HI 141 : Russia from 1800 to the Revolution
Fall, 2005:
- CL 121 : Greek History from Archaic Times to the End of the Persian Wars
- CS 167 : Operating Systems
- CS 169 : Operating Systems Lab
- CS 173 : Programming Languages
Spring, 2006:
- CL 122 : Greek History from 466 to the Death of Alexander
- CS 166 : Computer Security
- CS 194-4 : Protection Domains (Ind. Study)
- CS 296-1 : Dynamic Access Control and Verification
- EC 137 : Economics of Racial Inequality (Audit)
Fall, 2006:
- CS 051 : Theory of Computation
- CS 149 : Combinatorial Optimization
- CS 168 : Computer Networks
- CS 297-1 : Protection Domains (Ind. Study)
- HI 197-75 : Colonialism, Culture and Conflict in Modern Ireland
Spring, 2007:
- CS 194-4 : Virtualizing Weenix (Ind. Study)
- CS 258 : Hard Problems in Combinatorial Optimization
- CS 298-4 : Protection Domains (Ind. Study)
- EN 164 : Computer Architecture (Audit)
- HI 042 : Japan